Sunday, December 15, 2019

Christmas French Chocolate Beverage (from Aubrey Claybrook)

Christmas French Chocolate Beverage

-5 TBSP cocoa
-1/4 to 1.2 cup water
-3/4 cup sugar
-dash of salt
-1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

Directions: Cook cocoa and water slowly until thick (2-5 min on low-med heat.) Stir constantly. Add salt and sugar. Cook @5 min stirring until sugar is completely dissolved and syrup thickens. Cool completely.

Pour whipping cream into bowl and whip until light and fluffy. Fold cooled chocolate syrup into whipping cream and store in fridge.

To drink: Warm up 1 cup of hot milk and add a large heaping spoonful of creamy chocolate to milk. Stir and enjoy!

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