Utah Area Plan


 Each family should have a Utah Area Priorities card in their home.  If you have not received it, please contact a member of the Relief Society or Elder's Quorum Presidency.  

What are the Utah Area Priorities?
Learn more about them here:  https://utah.lds.org/

The Utah Area Presidency has provided a vision statement and priorities for members living in Utah. Each family should have received a card listing the Utah Area Priorities and are encouraged to discuss with their families how to incorporate these priorities into their daily lives. 

Become and help others become true followers of Jesus Christ, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy, and qualify for eternal life.

  1. Live the gospel of Jesus Christ
  2. Gather Israel through missionary work
  3. Care for the poor and needy
  4. Enable the salvation of our kindred dead. 

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