Sunday, March 28, 2021

Resurrection Rolls (Disappearing Marshmallow Rolls)


  1. First, gather the kids together (or your significant other, grandparents, aunts, uncle, whoever). Get your ingredients out and preheat the oven. Read John 19 in the New Testament while the oven is pre-heating.
  2. Unroll the crescent rolls, separating each section. Explain that this is like the cloth they wrapped Jesus in.
  3. Give your child a marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus. It’s white and pure because He was without sin.
  4. Roll the marshmallow in a small bowl of water. This symbolizes the embalming oils.
  5. Now, roll the marshmallow in the cinnamon & sugar mixture. This is like the spices used to prepare his body for burial.
  6. Next up, wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll dough, making sure to pinch the dough together securely on the sides. Don’t worry about what they look like because they’ll taste great no matter what! This represents how they wrapped Jesus’ body.
  7. Repeat with each marshmallow and place the rolls in the oven (symbolizing the tomb) and bake for the amount of time specified on the package – 8 to 10 minutes.
  8. While the rolls are baking, read John 20:1-18.
  9. When the cook time is up, open the tomb and remove the rolls. When they’re cool enough to handle, let your child(ren) open one and discover what happened to the marshmallow. It’s disappeared! This signifies how Jesus has been resurrected.


  • 1 can Pillsbury Crescent Dough
  • 8 large marshmallows
  • water
  • cinnamon & sugar mixed together in a bowl


  • Preheat oven to 375ºF. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray or line with parchment paper.
  • Unroll crescent dough and separate each triangle.
  • Have children dip marshmallow in water. Roll in cinnamon and sugar mixture.
  • Place marshmallow in the top of the crescent roll and roll into a crescent roll shape, then secure the sides by tucking them under and pinching them closed. (Don't worry about how they look! They will be yummy!)
  • Place on prepared cookie sheet and repeat with remaining 7 rolls.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown on the outside.
  • Let cool for a few minutes and then let the children pick a roll to open up. The marshmallow has disappeared!
  • Enjoy. ;)

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