Saturday, November 16, 2019

Spaghetti Stuffed Garlic Bread (from Ashley Peterson)


  • 12 Rhodes rolls or 1 loaf of Rhodes break
  • Spaghetti noodles
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Hamburger
  • 8 oz mozzarella cheese cut into cubes (can just use string cheese)
  • 1 egg white
  • Garlic bread seasoning from Our Best Bites:
    • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
    • 2 teaspoons salt
    • 2 Tablespoons garlic powder
    • 2 teaspoons each of: oregano, basil, marjoram, and parsley
      • Combine all ingredients and store in fridge for easy go-to garlic bread seasoning
1. Roll out a large piece of parchment paper. Put your rolls/bread dough on it and let it thaw. It takes about 5 hours to thaw completely.

2. Once thawed, roll out your dough into a 12x16 inch rectangle. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

3. While you're letting your dough set, cook your spaghetti noodles and brown your hamburger.

4. Let the noodles cool down until they're just slightly warm. Drain the hamburger then put it back in the skillet and add the sauce. Warm it up but don't let it get super hot.

5. Place your noodles and sauce in the middle of your dough rectangle. Top with mozzarella cheese cubes.

6. Cut slits in your dough that are about an inch and a half apart.

7. Braid your dough... Fold the bottom and top slit in towards the filling. Then braid by putting left over right, then right over left, etc. until you get to the last strip. Then, just tuck it under the folded over dough.

8. Brush with egg white and then sprinkle the garlic seasoning on top.

9. Transfer your bread loaf to a cookie sheet, parchment paper and all.

10. Bake at 350* for 30-35 minutes, making sure your dough is cooked all the way through. Slice and serve. 

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